Since I’m a guest writer here on Yvonne’s site, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marty, I’m 20 young years, and I live on a farm in Iowa. I am currently working towards an RN degree, and have found the work very rewarding and inspiring. The number one question I get asked is, “What do you write about?” I have no answer. I don’t understand what makes me write or gives me inspiration, but I do know that it has a lot to do with God. As I sit in the morning with my coffee, I enjoy reading from His word, allowing Him to teach and direct the path of my life. So, here are a few thoughts from today:
When I awoke this morning, I could hear the thunder gently whispering in the distance. As I laid there, I noticed how it slowly was getting more vocal as it were arguing with itself in the heavens. Getting ready for the day, the house was suddenly shaken by a clap of thunder so loud, its deafening presence shook the windows.This scenario reminded me of how our relationships can be with the people around us. Maybe your spouse is working late… again. Maybe your child refuses to do their homework. Maybe the groceries you picked up at the supermarket were on sale, but when you got to the register, were double the price. All sorts of little circumstances happen everyday, all kinds of conversations take place, and sometimes we need to address the situation.
We tell the lady at the supermarket we are positive they were a different price – the thunder gently rolls in the distance. She apologizes, and calls a manager that is apparently taking a break. Impatiently, you mutter how long this is taking – the thunder increases forcefully, getting closer. The manager appears, nonchalantly telling you that it was the generic brand that was on sale. You complain even louder, allowing them to know this is your last time to shop here – the thunder claps.
I know this is an extreme situation, but allow yourself to think of the way the thunder approaches every time you find yourself in these situations. Keep these little encounters with thunderstorms in control, never allowing the situation to get out of control. By keeping the thunder in the distance, gently whispering, everyone involved will be happier...
To read more of Marty’s blog go here:
The Obedient Heart
4 weeks ago
Thankyou so much :) I've reposted everywhere!!!
Marty, really great analogy to everyday life! I liked it! Will repost on my wall.
Yvonne, I like your web design. Every new blog I visit gives me a bit of inspiration on how to tweak my own site.
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